WWWJDIC for Android Donate

WWWJDIC for Android Donate

Online Japanese dictionary. Donate version of the WWWJDIC application. Try the free version first, and buy this one if you find it useful. Features are the same: * tablet support  * Japanese text-to-speech support (install 'N2 TTS' from Market to enable) * multi-radical kanji search * kanji of the day widget * Japanese sentence translation * example search * animated stroke order diagrams * history/favorites * favorites export * handwriting recognition * OCR * multiple dictionaries * kanji lookup Email me for bug reports and feature requests: wwwjdic.android@gmail.com Follow me on Twitter for latest updates: @kapitanpetko http://twitter.com/kapitanpetko Release announcements and detailed explanation of new features on my blog: http://nelenkov.blogspot.com/ Google+ page: https://plus.google.com/105457662805333954065/

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