WiSync - wireless access

WiSync - wireless access

WiSync lets you access your device from your pc via Wi-FI. Access your phone with these easy steps: 1- Connect both pc and device to the same Wi-Fi network. 2- Launch WiSiync. 3- From your pc, enter provided address in your web browser's address bar. From your pc, using only a WiFi network and a web browser, you can: - Access and manage SMS inbox, sent, received and draft. - Create, send messages directly from your web browser. - Audio playback (Listen to music stored on device from on your pc). - Video playback (Watch videos stored on device on your pc). - Display, organize, preview media files (Music, videos and pictures). - Display, organize directories and files located in your phone's local storage. - Asynchronous High-speed upload/download of files from/to your device. - Display installed apps. - Search for items. WiSync has a Background Execution mode.

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