


Are you ready to join the fight against climate change? The scale of climate change may seem overwhelming, but at URECA, we believe that technology can empower everyone to play a role in this important mission. That's why we're proud to introduce our climate investing platform, designed for anyone who wants to make a difference. Here’s why we think you’ll love our app: INVEST IN THE FUTURE * With URECA, you don't need to be a corporation or a big-time investor to participate. Ordinary people like you can invest in carbon credits generated by projects all the way from Peru to Malawi to Mongolia and contribute to the global effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. * And the best part? Not only will you be able to offset your own emissions footprint and earn rewards but the URECA platform allows anyone to trade in high quality carbon credits as an alternative investment. DISCOVER HIGH-QUALITY PROJECTS * Explore the world's best emissions reduction projects, ranging from forestation and renewable energy to improved cookstoves. * Get detailed information about the project developers, including project information, photos, videos, and the impact they're making. TRADE WITH EASE * Enjoy a user-friendly platform that makes buying and selling carbon credits a breeze. * Stay up-to-date with real-time data on carbon credit prices, availability, and vintage to make informed decisions. * Our platform ensures secure and efficient transactions, making trading carbon credits effortless. OFFSET AND EARN * Choose to resell or offset your carbon credits, and earn rewards for having been good to the planet. * Our marketplace offers social incentives and rewards for climate investing and personal carbon offsetting. TRANSPARENCY AND QUALITY * Each carbon credit is certified, verified and traced on the blockchain to ensure transparency and reliability. * We only work with the highest quality project developers and most impactful projects that meet the most stringent environmental, community, and biodiversity standards. START YOUR CLIMATE INVESTING JOURNEY TODAY * Our platform empowers project developers big and small from all over the world by making carbon financing more accessible and transparent. * We believe that at URECA we have built a marketplace that is made by project developers, for project developers. * Together, we can ignite a global movement of climate action and accelerate the fight against climate change. Download the URECA Marketplace app today and start your climate investing journey today.

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