unWired Pro - Serial Bluetooth

unWired Pro - Serial Bluetooth

unWired Pro is a serial terminal developed for data acquisition using Bluetooth technology. Using the RFCOMM protocol, also known as SPP (Serial Port Protocol), the application allows you to send commands and receive data between Bluetooth serial devices connected to microcontrollers such as Arduino, PIC, Raspberry PI, etc. With unWired Pro you can view the data acquired in the serial monitor or if you prefer, the graphic display in real time, this allows to see deviations of monitored data from time to time. Tested with various devices such as ZS-040, JY-MCU, etc. unWired Pro showed a great operation, which can be operated with a lot of serial Bluetooth devices. unWired Pro can: - Connect to a Bluetooth serial module connected to a microcontroller ; - Send commands to turn on/off LED; - Control the Scroll of Monitor Serial and the incoming data; - Receive data from sensors on the Serial Monitor; - Save the data received in .txt; - Real-time Graph; - Save the data received in .txt; - Save print of GraphView; - Set preferences as you want. Notes: - The graphic is influenced by the device's screen size on which it is running, so the larger the screen, the better the chart; - Some devices may experience issues with the graph display, but do not worry, we are working to solve these problems. All brand names, product names and trademarks cited belongs to Their respective owners.

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