Uğur Dijital

Uğur Dijital

Uğur Digital is used by middle school, high school and university preparatory (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and Graduate) students, parents, teachers and school administrators; It is an education platform that can be connected and used anywhere, thanks to its website, mobile site and IOS and Android applications. Students; • Rich content is offered with lectures, question banks, videos and study fascicles in accordance with the MEB curriculum. • Eliminates deficiencies in pre-learning. • They can reinforce the subjects in the lessons they missed or want to repeat on their own. • It allows you to enter the goals that the student wants to achieve and create a plan in line with this goal. • The student can follow his own success, the lessons he has studied, the videos he has watched, and the test questions he has solved. • It gives the opportunity to identify the deficiencies of the student where necessary and to complete these deficiencies. • Can view trial exam results, questions and solution videos. • It is an education support solution that enables it to evaluate the situation with reporting screens. Thanks to Uğur Digital education platform, teachers follow their students, school administrators follow teachers and the course process at school, and parents follow their children. Teachers; • By following their students step by step, they can follow the lessons and subjects they have studied and the tests they have solved. • They can teach their lessons interactively through Uğur Digital Smart Board application in the classroom. • They evaluate the situation assessments of their classes and students through reporting screens and identify their deficiencies. • According to their deficiencies or knowledge, they can assign appropriate content to their students as homework.

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