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Tripomatic Planner & Maps


Sygic Travel is now Tripomatic. Enjoy the same travel planning experience, now with new brand name and logo. Discover things to do anywhere you go. Plan detailed trip itineraries. Get around with useful travel guides. An ultimate all-in-one app for every traveler. ADVANCED TRIP PLANNER Build a complete day-to-day itinerary for your trip with an easy-to-use trip planner. See estimated travel times and walking distances and keep realistic plans. Invite your friends to collaborate on your trips. WORLDWIDE OFFLINE MAPS Buy Tripomatic Premium to use the app without any internet connection, including unlimited offline maps download. 50 MILLION PLACES Sights, museums, parks, cafés, restaurants, hotels, beaches, waterfalls, caves or even bird observatories. Whether you're a tourist up to sightseeing, out on a shopping trip or a romantic weekend getaway, we've got you covered. PHOTOS, DESCRIPTIONS, WIKIPEDIA Popular places come with descriptions, photos, opening hours, admission fees, links and additional data written by professional travel editors or sourced from Wikipedia and other databases. 360° VIDEOS Take a look around top sights in exclusive 360° videos. Over 500 professional videos from Prague, Barcelona, Valencia, Madrid, Granada, Seville, Marrakech, Gran Canaria, Porto, Lisbon, Athens, Istanbul, Cairo, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Vienna. MAPS DESIGNED FOR TRAVELERS Detailed maps based on data adjusted for walking and exploring your destination. Built-in search and GPS-based walking directions and tight integration with the Sygic GPS Navigation. POWERFUL SEARCH AND FILTERS Find any place by name or address. Use filters to show attractions, museums, shopping malls, restaurants, bars down to art galleries featuring Van Gogh paintings. TOURS AND ACTIVITIES Find the best sightseeing tours, cruises, or even local cuisine cooking classes. Buy skip-the-line tickets to top attractions straight from the app. ACCOMMODATION Find a hotel, hostel, apartment or b&b. Add it to your trip and see it in your daily itinerary including travel times. Book your accommodation with straight from the app. USE ON ALL DEVICES Your trips will sync automatically between all your devices and our web planner available at GET IN TOUCH WITH US Learn more at Check out our online travel maps at Contact support at