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Ton: maquininha, tap e conta


πŸ“±πŸ’³ Take TapTon, TapTon, TapTon! Only here is it like this: approached, sold! Just download my app, create your account, follow the steps and that's it β€” your cell phone will become a machine Look what else I have to offer you: SELL πŸ“± TapTon. Approached, sold! Your cell phone can accept cards without needing a machine πŸ“  Machine. On the street, delivery or at the counter, with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and receipt: I have the right machine for your business πŸ”— Payment link. Want to sell online? Create and send a link on zap to your customers Ahhh and of course I accept the main card brands 😎 MANAGE βž— Fee Calculator. Here you know how much you should charge and how much you will receive for each sale πŸ“„ Statement. What came out, what came in and what will come in from your sales, you can see here πŸ’΅ My Sales. For those who want to see all the details of your sales πŸ’° Download. RECEIVE! Send your balance to your Ton prepaid card or to your bank account and receive it within 1 business day πŸͺ My Store . Add your products and services to the app and have a catalog to quickly choose when selling GROW πŸ’³ My Cards. Request my international card for free, buy wherever you want and make withdrawals online 24 hours a day πŸ€‘ How about some extra income?. With Renda Extra, you register, recommend Ton to your friends and earn up to R$300 per machine recommended. If you are a partner, you can reach up to R$360. πŸ†˜ Support. Did you call? I give you the quick and intelligent support you need via chat So, did you close this partnership? I want to make your business take off πŸš€ From Stone for all self-employed entrepreneurs. @Stone Institution of Payment S.A. CNPJ 16.501.555/0001-57 Av. Doutora Ruth Cardoso, 7221, 20th floor, Pinheiros, CEP 05425-902 - SΓ£o Paulo/SP