TAPAs Accelerator Physics

TAPAs Accelerator Physics

TAPAs stands for Toolkit for Accelerator Physics on Androids. It allows "back-of-the-envelope" accelerator physics calculations, with 50 inter-linked types of calculations. These include storage ring scaling with energy and circumference; longitudinal dynamics, beam loading, and harmonic cavities in rings; free-electron lasers; electron linear accelerators; electron guns; bunch compression; iron-dominated multipole magnets; short pulse x-rays; undulator effects on orbit and optics; undulator radiation properties, hybrid permanent magnet and superconducting undulator models; top-up parameters; electromagnetism; synchrotron radiation; particle passage through matter; and engineering calculations. A paper describing this application is available at http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/PAC2013/papers/thpma06.pdf Permission to access phone storage is needed to allow reading user-supplied data files for the Storage Ring Scaling activity.

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