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tagesschau - Nachrichten

The new tagesschau app provides you with the most important and current news of the day - directly on your smartphone or tablet! In the new story mode, you can swipe intuitively through the latest top headlines from today - from Germany and the world - for a quick overview of the news. In the “News” area, you will find all the news from the Tagesschau, sorted by key areas, such as international, domestic, business (including the stock exchange), investigative or weather. You can also find out about regional news from your state * under “My Regions”. You can also find the most important news as a video. Under "Programs" ("TV") you will find the current live stream of current programs or videos from past programs, including the Tagesschau (also with sign language), Tagesthemen, Nachtmagazin or Tagesschau24 in 100 seconds "! You can optionally receive all breaking news from the Tagesschau editors via push message on your device - find out live when something important happens! The app now also has a "dark mode" (usable from Android 10). In the app you will find the latest news from ARD (Das Erste: BR, hr, mdr, NDR, radiobremen, rbb, SR, SWR, WDR) and the sports show. Our app offers you the best of the ARD's worldwide network of correspondents! The tagesschau app and its content are available free of charge. We recommend a flat rate for calling up the live stream and videos from mobile networks, as otherwise higher connection costs may arise. We thank our more than two million - often long-term - users and look forward to your rating, praise, criticism and suggestions in the Play Store! By the way, we now also have a Tagesschau app for AndroidTV. Many greetings from Hamburg & Leipzig from the tagesschau app team * The app contains the latest news from: Bavaria, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Thuringia