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SuperMD (All in One Emulator)

- A game file (ROM file) is necessary to play a game. - Copy your own MegaDrive/Genesis game files to SD card or Internal Memory. (e.g. /sdcard/SuperMD/) - Use the emulator's file chooser ('Load ROM' button) to locate it in that folder and load it. - Supports multiple ROM files (.gen, .md, .bin, .zip, etc.) UPDATE All in One Emulator. There are more than sixteen emulation cores are supported which includes PCSX-ReARMed, Mupen64Plus, VBA-M/mGBA, MelondS, Snes9x, FCEUmm, Genplus, Stella, etc. FIX multi-touch on Samsung devices: 1. Turn ON/OFF Game Plugins (Game Launcher - Game Plugins - Game Booster Plus) 2. Restart the device LEGAL: This product is not affiliated with or endorsed by SEGA in any way.