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Sim Phone details: Device Info


All info about your SIM, Network, Phone, OS, and Battery with Sim Phone Device Info app. Test your phone using secret dial codes MMI and USSD for sim network insights. )a: πŸ’³ Sim Card Info: Manage and view SIM card details, including service provider, network status, and roaming information. 1) Sim State: Absent, Network Locked, Pin/PUK Required, Ready, Unknown, Not Ready, Error, etc. 2) Country ISO 3) Operator 4) Roaming b: πŸ“Ά Cellular Network Carrier Info: 1) Operator Name 2) Network Type: 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G 3) Data Connection: Wi-Fi, Mobile 4) Country ISO 5) Operator ISO 6) CID 7) LAC c: πŸ“² Phone Info: 1) Device Type: CDMA, GSM 2) Screen Size, RAM, Screen Resolutions, Screen Density 3) Model, Board, Manufacturer, Hardware 4) CPU Cores, Device ID, Serial, Boot Loader d: 🍭 System OS: 1) OS Installed 2) SDK Version 3) Android Version 4) CPU Type e: πŸ”‹ Battery Information: 1) Health 2) Level 3) Power Source 4) Status 5) Technology 6) Voltage 7) Temperature 8) Capacity f: MIMI and USSD: Test Dial codes for phone sim and network carrier 1) IMEI number 2) Device Hardware Test 3) Hardware version and Wi-Fi ping test 4) Battery status firmware check 5) Software version 6) Device hardware software version 7) Audio loopback mic control 8) Camera firmware check 9) Launch system dump mode 10) Device SAR value check 11) Pin change 12) Sim call forwarding 13) Call forwarding when not reachable 14) forward wait time 15) SMS message center 16) Enable call waiting 17) Hide caller ID 18) Call diversion status 19) Service Mode of all sim network info status.