Siduron-smart siddur&Humash
Smart siddur displaying the prayers upon the date, including: Yaale Veyavo, Halel, Sfirat Ha'Omer, Megilat Ester and more... In addition, the siddur contains the features below: App's shortcuts - quick access to the current time prayers directly from your device's home screen (Android Nuget and above). Date in the Status bar - Hebrew date in the device's Status bar (Notification area). Fast access - fast access to the current time prayers directly from the main page, from the "Now" tab. Auto night mode - auto night mode by times (with 3 reading modes) or custom night mode hours (with 2 reading modes). Omer notifications - Sfiras HaOmer's notification, with the daily Sfirah's text. Two Mikra and one Targum - Torah humash with doubled pasuk and one targum. Kriyat Ha'Torah - display the Psukim of Kriyat Ha'Torah for each day, such as: Sheni & Hamishi or Rosh Hodesh, Hanuka, Purim etc. seperated for Aliot. Silent mode - option to set auto silent mode - vibrate or full silent mode, when prayers are displayed. Jerusalem compass - Compass that show the direction of the Tfila - Jerusalem's direction (require location access). Day times - Day times at the main page menu and inside the prayers - quick and comfortable access. Weather - new weather widget includes the temperature, humidity, sky info and the wind direction and speed. Auto scroll - Auto scroll buttons allow you scroll the prayer automaticaly in few diffrent speeds. Markers menu - Jump to prayer pieces by markers menu. "Expanders" - ("expander") Collapse and expansion of long unused prayer pieces. Keep screen on - Including the option to keep the screen on during the prayers. Speed - Fast prayer loading and fast moving between the siddur app pages. Personal Pasuk - add your own Pasuk for Elokai Netzor. Sick list - add sick names for Refaeinu.Text size - Change the text's size by pinch or extend your fingers over the prayer's screen. And more...