Shortest Tour

Shortest Tour

Find the shortest round trip route on a map visiting a random set of cities just once. Choose from one of nine different maps including Africa, Asia, Europe, India, USA, and United Kingdom. Compare your route with a computer generated route and see if you found a shorter route. From the settings, pick a level (easy, medium, or hard) for a game with fewer or more cities. Also choose the computer solution time. A shorter computer solution time may generate a less than optimal solution. After choosing a map, touch each of the cities you wish to visit and construct your round trip route. Drag and scale the map as necessary to view the entire map. You can undo routes by re-visiting a place and creating a new route. For each place visited, the full place name and number of remaining cities will be shown briefly. Once you have finished constructing your route, the computer will display its route and you can compare your route with the computer generated route. The distances of each route will be shown along with the difference between your and the computer generated route.

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