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Safe & Found


New subscriptions for Safe & Found are no longer supported. If you are a T-Mobile customer, you can get FamilyMode. Current subscribers can still add new profiles and devices to their account. What's New? Safe & Found is the all-in-one family safety solution that can help you locate your family in real-time and manage your child’s online habits across devices. From sharing your location with your family or sending an SOS alert when in trouble, to pausing the Internet during dinner, or rewarding good grades with more screen time, Safe & Found helps make digital parenting easier. Some awesome features included: KEEP TRACK OF YOUR FAMILY. Real-time location information and location history helps you keep tabs on your family members. DEVELOP HEALTHY DIGITAL HABITS Set time limits for your kids, pause Internet access, or give rewards for good behavior SET CONTENT FILTERS. Set your own filters to help ensure your kids only sees age-appropriate content online. MONITOR HOW THEY SPEND SCREEN TIME. Understand where your family spends time online, so you can help develop good digital habits. We are improving Safe & Found! Enjoy new features like: -Time limits: Set the total amount of time your child can spend online and on specific apps. -Bedtime: Schedule times at night when the internet is unavailable -Age specific filters: Choose the customizable content filters that best identifies with your child’s age -Rewards: Celebrate your child’s job well done with extra time online. Note: Safe & Found uses Google Accessibility Services API to enable parents to set up parental controls on their children’s phones to protect them from unwanted or dangerous content. No information is processed or collected using this API except for the purpose of blocking the content defined by the user.