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Real Gun Sounds
REAL GUN SOUNDS IS THE WORLD'S BEST COLLECTION OF GUNS. ENJOY THE BURST OF LATEST AMERICAN & MORE OF THE MOST POPULAR GUNS. Enjoy extensive best collection of real gun sounds. Just tap the weapon and listen to the stunning weapon gunshots sound. Real Gun Sounds is a free application with realistic guns and its sounds. This app is very simple and amusing. Real Gun Sounds comprises with a huge, awesome and good quality collection of the world's most popular different types of weapons. Just listen to over 100+ realistic weapon sounds. One of the best realistic gun sounds app with fully equipped weapons. Real Gun Sounds is for you. Select a category of your choice and select a gun from weapons collection. Just tap the selected gun, tap the trigger and listen to the stunning real weapon gunshot sounds. Real Gun Sounds allows you to play anytime with loaded guns having a lot of bullets in it. All guns are real with its own real free sound. Some of the guns collection are inspiration from shooting games. Everyone should enjoy a huge collection of gun sounds who is interested and enthusiast of different top real guns. Do you want to play humor game with your friends or scare someone? Then this collection of gun sound library is for you. Every category contains its own related guns with their names. SINGLE and AUTO Gunshots Enjoy your gunshots enthusiasm by just clicking on guns to play single shot and enjoy auto sounds on holding of firearms for some weapons. Weapon Types: * Sniper rifles * Assault rifles * Shotguns * Machine guns * Launcher guns * Machine pistols * Pistols * Hand guns Guns Collection:- Handguns:- MK-23, P-99, Colt-1911, FN Five-Seven, Beretta 96, Browning HP, P-38, MP-443, Jericho-941, Desert Eagle, USP-45, SIG-p228, Ruger SR-9, PPK, Glock-18, Mauserc-96, Raging Bull. Machine Pistols:- Heckler & Koch MP7A1, Ingram MAC-10, Heckler & Koch Mp5 Navy, FN P90, Steyr Tactical Machine Pistol, UZI, Brugger & Thomet MP9, Thompson M1A1, PPSh-41. Machine Guns:- Negev NG7, M60, Browning M1919, M134 Gatling Gun, MG42. Shotguns:- Remington 870, AA-12, Kel-Tech KSG, Franchi SPAS-12, Bernella M3 Super90, Browning Takedown 22 LR. Assault Rifles:- FN Scar Heavy, K2, XM8, Tar 21, Steyr Aug, Famas F1, Heckler & Koch G36C, AK-47, Micro Galil, ACR, AEK 971, Sig SG-552 Commando. Sniper Rifles:- Chey Tac M200 Intervention, M21 Sniper Rifle, Walther WA 2000, PGM Hecate II, Steyr Scout, Stoner Rifle-25, Heckler & Koch PSG1, DSR-50, Ballista. Launcher Guns:- BPG7, M72Law, RPG29, AT-4. Pistols:- Arsenal-AF1 , Colt Anaconda , Glock-17 , Kel-Tec Pistol , Revolver Magnum.357 , XDM-.45 Features: * Detailed full HD awesome graphics * Supports landscape * Stunning realistic original sounds * Left backward * Right forward * Reloaded guns * Easy to use * Authentic Weapons * No Need to reload * All sounds are in mp3 format * All Guns are Free and Unlocked. Use of Real Guns Sounds:- * Click one of your favorite guns category. * Select a gun and tap on it and listen up its real sound. * Every category contains its own related guns with their name given by the manufacturer. * Real Gun Sounds give you to play anytime with loaded guns having a lot of bullets in it for many celebrations. Practically this app helps you to note how a gun make a gunshot sound when you shoot. If you enjoy this app...! Then rate this 5 stars and give your reviews, feedback and suggestions to improve app. Updates hopefully coming very soon: Coming up with more weapons..!!