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Qwant – Search engine

What if you took control of your research? It's now possible thanks to Qwant, search engine that values you as a user, not as a product ! An innovative search engine Qwant is changing the rules of web search thanks to its new artificial intelligence capable of offering short and precise answers. Directly integrated into the search engine, this AI accompanies its users in their daily lives, answering their many questions on a wide range of subjects: news, culture, sport, administrative information... And of course, it's free! Qwant respects its users Launched in 2013, Qwant is THE search engine developed and hosted in Europe that respects its users. On mobile, the Qwant application (free) is also a browser that lets you surf the web in total security. At Qwant, the user is not the product, which is why Qwant has always kept its commitment and does not resell users' personal data while offering an optimal search experience that meets everyday needs! A comprehensive, easy-to-use mobile application On smartphones, the Qwant application goes beyond its search engine function and becomes a browser! In addition to respecting its users, the Qwant app offers relevant results in an instant and allows for smooth, fast navigation with integrated AI. This quality of service also results in search results that only reflect the keywords used and not your search history.