Pony games for girls, kids

Pony games for girls, kids


Put your riding boots and saddle up girls, it's time to go on a surprise journey in the fantasy land of pony and unicorn. Explore through the fairy garden, the princess castle, the colorful Candyland - little pony game for girls. These are just a few of the pony places to fall in love with, while playing with our little pony friends. Princess pony, Fairy pony, the flying horse, the white unicorn - all are so happy today that you can join them in this cartoon pony land. Features:  * Simple racing game for girl kids – ride the horse with an easy finger touch combination, just tap to move forward and jump to catch all the lucky clovers. * 9 ponies are on a mission to collect as many leaf flowers as possible and get to the pony castle to collect their bonus. Choose your rally car: a sports car, race car, jeep, monster truck, motorcycle or bike and hit the road, jump, flip & roll. They have cute expression animations and make funny sounds. * 50+ different levels with varying difficulty. You will encounter plenty of funny ramps and cute obstacles that will make your race very entertaining, throughout 6 colorful themes: dark forest, pirates, garden, candyland, castle & swamp. * You always WIN – The ponies will never crash, they can only trip and go on, which makes it great for younger kids, they will never lose and get disappointed…YAY! * A Kids friendly design and cool graphics, topped with a smooth physics simulation and some matching sound effects of the engine, suspension and maximum speed reach are what makes this game unique and enjoyable for both boys and girls aged 4-10 * 4 additional little pony games for different gameplay and extra fun. Please give us your Feedback: 
If you have any feedback and suggestions on how we could further improve the design and interaction of our apps and games, please visit our website www.iabuzz.com or leave us a message at kids@iabuzz.com

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