PERINOLA Pirinola Pirindola

PERINOLA Pirinola Pirindola


PERINOLA Pirinola or Pirindola It is a Free Game, that you can play with a friend or up to 8 friends at the same time The classic Game of Whirligig allows you to play around a table, pending the options: Put 1 Put 2 Take 1 Take 2 Everyone puts and Take Everything !!! The game contains animations and sounds that make it an enjoyable and fun game to play with friends. Play this classic game with your friends today and try your luck, you can play with candies, stones, chips, beans etc. The rules for playing the Whirligig are: 1. All players must start with the same amount of clothing (candy, stones, tokens etc) 2. To start the game everyone must place a garment in the center of the table 3. Then each player turns the whirligig in turns 4. At the end of spinning the whirligig, the player who played must do what the whirligig says 5. The game can be ended by selecting one of these two modes: Mode 1) The player who runs out of clothes leaves the game and the last player to keep all the clothes wins Mode 2) The game is over at the end of 8 rounds and the garments that remain in the center of the table are distributed among all the players. The free version of this Game has some limitations, which can be eliminated when acquiring the membership offered as an option within the same APP.

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