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Pass Track


National Information Technology Board is the Technology Partner for the Pass Track App. The application has been developed under the banner of Ministry of Information Technology & Telecommunication, Islamabad, Pakistan. Initially Pass Track application aimed to track the travelers coming to Islamic Republic of Pakistan against vaccination and symptoms related to covid 19. After the fruitful outcome of this application and decrease in Covid 19 cases to minimal, The feature of tracking against vaccination and symptoms related to covid 19 has been removed from the application. This application is now only for Currency Declaration for any user intend travelling to/ from Pakistan. It is mandatory for out-bound passengers for all countries except Afghanistan, carrying Foreign Currency exceeding US$ 5,000 or equivalent, or any prohibited or restricted item to file a declaration as notified vide S.R.O.1864(I)/2022 dated 10.10.2022. The persons travelling to Afghanistan shall file a declaration of currency in their possession. Likewise, in-bound passengers carrying Foreign Currency exceeding US$10,000 or equivalent, or any prohibited or restricted item, shall also file currency declaration. A Currency Declaration Form (CDF) is accordingly available on WeBOC website ( Now Currency Declaration system of Pakistan Customs has also been integrated with Pass Track application for ease of declaration and convenient global access for travelers. Travelers can access the Currency Declaration through Pass Track application. It will facilitate travelers as declaration form has been made available both in Urdu and English.