OvuView: Ovulation & Fertility

OvuView: Ovulation & Fertility


Period & fertility taken seriously: OvuView tracks your period, ovulation and fertility, using sophisticated sympto-thermal methods (STM). This app will help you to: • plan your next holiday with future menstruation and ovulation dates predicted, • track weight, headache, appetite, PMS and other symptoms, • replace sympto-thermal paper charts with a more convenient way of charting. Based on your cycle symptoms (such as menses, basal body temperature, cervical mucus and/or cervix), OvuView will chart your fertility using proven natural family planning (NFP) methods. In particular, 4 sympto-thermal (Billings, Rötzer, Konald/Kippley, Cautious), 5 mucus-only (5 Day Dry Up, Döring, 21/20 Days Rule, Last Dry Day, 4/5/6 Day Rule), 3 temperature-only (Marshall, 4HT, 5HT) and 2 calendar methods (Trivial Counting Method, Calendar Rythm Method) are implemented. Key features include: • 14 fertility awareness methods • an exceptional degree of customization (tracked symptoms, colors) • advanced chart showing temperature and symptoms • reliable and secure data synchronization and backup using Google’s compute engine • account and data sharing between users with per symptom access control • timeline view with filters, facilitating a streamlined UX during typical day to day usage • calendar view • full text search • guiding hints • educational tips and information about your cycle and your fertility signs • cycle statistics • automatic morning notification to record basal body temperature (BBT) • color themes • password protection • widgets • cycle and method management • notifications (menses, ovulation) • temperature chart coverline • pregnancy mode We also have a discussion forum! If you have any questions, check if there is an answer available at https://www.facebook.com/groups/ovuview/. If you have any further questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our team at ovuview@temp-drop.com.

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