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One-Stop Financial Service : Stockplus
Log in easily with KakaoTalk, to check current stock prices in a heartbeat. View your trading history and portfolio in one organized view. Integrate your trading apps to make trading safe and easy. Receive stock information from our specialized Artificial Intelligence (AI) service. # Main Services ** Easy to use Personal Portfolio Asset Management* *- Automatically organize all your trades and current portfolio assets.* *Stockplus automatically tracks and organizes your trading data by accessing (with your permission) trade completion SMS messages.* - Easily manage returns with our self-developed algorithm. - Analyze investment patterns by managing your investment history (data categorized weekly, monthly, and cumulatively) * Quick Access to Real-Time Quotes - Live stock quotes and charts - Customize watchlist and lock screen for real-time quotes - Various overseas indexes and quotes around the world * Social Trading - Live & Ongoing Trading Competition based on actual investment returns; Winners awarded weekly & monthly, with accordance to rankings of weekly, monthly, and cumulative returns - Real-time access to the portfolio and trading history of all Top-Traders ranked on Stockplus * Differentiated News and Analysis Services - Big-data algorithmic analysis to provide diagnosis report on supply/demand - Provides analytical data on market sectors and high volatility stocks - Supply and demand trends and investment data of foreign investors * Notification Service - Upper / lower bound price alerts - Foreign Investors’ net buying & selling alerts, official public disclosure notification - VI (Volatility Interruption), New highs & lows notification - Major stock trends alerts # Other services * Secure trading through the Stockplus Trading App * Easy fingerprint login support * Safe trading of not only domestic stock, but also Hugangtong (Shanghai A, Hong Kong) * Stockplus mock investment service