NGP Senne

NGP Senne

Beech, oak and pine forests, heaths, sandy and calcareous grasslands, sand-eaters, semi-natural streams and moor areas: this diversity makes the Senne and the Teutoburg Forest so appealing to many visitors. Both landscapes provide a valuable habitat for numerous plants and animals, including many rare and endangered species. With the conservation project Senne and Teutoburg Forest - in short NGP - this precious natural heritage under the auspices of the Teutoburg Forest / Eggegebirge Nature Park is secured on around 1,800 hectares, developed and made cautiously accessible to the public. The free app for the conservation project is your personal companion on the varied adventure trails in the diverse landscape in Senne and Teutoburg Forest. In addition to the GPS guided tour on the trails, the app provides Points of Interest additional multimedia information, such as impressive film footage for visitors. sawah® apps are also available for free for other nature trails in the park. Discover and experience the natural and cultural landscape in Ostwestfalen-Lippe in an innovative way - simple and mobile.

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