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Nescafé Dolce Gusto

Enhance your coffee experience with the NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® app. Created especially for lovers of NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto®, our app lets you: WITH GREAT COFFEE COME GREAT REWARDS Join PREMIO*, our premium loyalty program created exclusively for you, and scan points codes. Discover unique recipes and coffee originals, check your point balance and browse our large selection of PREMIO rewards chosen just for you, all from your mobile device. CONNECT YOUR ESPERTA MACHINE** Connect to your ESPERTA machine and customize your beverages through your smartphone. Choose your beverage size and temperature at a distance. Schedule coffee preparations for the times that best suit you. From the comfort of your sofa, personalize your coffee and get it done, all via Bluetooth. Whether you have already chosen your favorite everyday coffee variety or if you are still searching for the ideal specialty for you, download the app and discover our great variety of coffee, tea and chocolate! * PREMIO loyalty program might not be available in your region. ** NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® ESPERTA coffee machine might not be available in your region.