Muslim Go - Solat, Al-Quran

Muslim Go - Solat, Al-Quran


🕌100% Muslim. Get local prayer time / notification, read the Quran, Find the Qiblah direction from anywhere 🕌 If you're looking for an app that provides accurate local prayer time and adzan, qiblah direction and even able to read the Quran online and offline, Muslim Go is the app for you! Not enough? We have more than 15 different functions to help you perform your daily ibadah. Muslim Go App Features: - Prayer time that can be changed either manually or automatically based on your preference. - Adzan call that appear with the notification - Qiblah direction finder that is calibrated with your phone - Halal restaurant finder 🗺️USE FROM ANYWHERE Prayer time based on your current location which can be changed from automatic to manual. There's even a Qiblah direction finder if you're not sure the direction. 🌐ONLINE OR OFLINE. IT DOESN'T MATTER Muslim GO includes the Quran and even a list of daily, and daily Du'a that can be downloaded to read later and even an audio (.mp3) if you just want to listen. 🤳MORE THAN JUST FUNCTIONS Aside from it's functions, we also have articles, videos, and postcards that are published daily for you to READ, COMMENT, SAVE, and even SHARE. 🗺️MUNTILINGUAL Since we are operating from Malaysia and Indonesia, we offer these two local languages and an international version for all the Muslims around the world 🔒DATA SECURITY Aside from needing your location for prayer time, Muslim Go does not collect data from it's users so you can use without fear of surveillance or tracking or data leaking.

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