Mobile Security for Business
Mobile Security for Business is the client app for Trend Vision One Mobile Security and Worry-Free Business Security Services, which lets IT administrators enroll, manage and secure employee mobile devices. With its mobile app reputation service and web reputation service, Mobile Security for Business is a powerful tool for companies that want to enable their mobile employees securely. In addition, it prevents users’ privacy data from being disclosed while defending against mobile security threats. Mobile Security requires the Accessibility permission in order for Web Reputation to obtain URL information from browsers and instant messaging apps, check URL reputation, and block malicious URLs. Mobile Security for Business is a device security app and uses the VpnService permission as part of the app's core functionality. Mobile Security requires the VpnService permission in order to identify and filter out access to phishing or other risky URLs as well as to allow users to access company intranet locations via secure proxy. The app will not operate without the necessary activation and use of the backend Trend Vision One Mobile Security, or Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Services. Your IT administrator should provide instructions on how to enroll your device. For the detailed system requirement of Trend Vision One Mobile Security or Worry-Free Business Security Services, please refer to the following URL. Trend Vision One Mobile Security Worry-Free Business Security Services