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Mi Banco Mobile
Do more with Mi Banco Mobile. Manage your Banco Popular accounts 24/7 from your Android device. Just install the app and sign in with your username and password. If you haven't enrolled yet, you can complete the process in an easy and quick way. Through Mi Banco Mobile, you can: - Have 24/7 access to your accounts and balances, including transactions form the past 18 months - Add payees and pay your bills - Save payment receipts - Make transfers between your different accounts - Deposit checks* - Open an account* - Withdraw cash at any of our ATMs - Send money to and receive from other people - Access the ATM & branch locator - Contact our support team Security: -Fingerprint authentication for compatible devices -Configure Push Notifications and email alerts to receive updates about balances, payments, transfers and personal information changes. -Two-step verification as an additional level of security - Your information is protected by 256-bit encryption Disclosures: -Certain conditions apply. For more information access *Member FDIC. Deposits are subject to the provisions of the Bank's Fund Availability Policy