Math Solver

Math Solver


All in one. Step by step solution. Math Solver includes a lot of mathematics topics such as geometry, analytic geometry, equations and inequalities, quadratic function, linear function, linear system, circle equation, math sequences, algebra, vectors. It also contains units calculator. For every topic you receive complete solution without any cost. GEOMETRY - Triangles: equilateral triangle, right triangle, isosceles triangle, 30-60-90 - Quadrilaterals: square, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezoid, right trapezoid, isosceles trapezoid, kite - Polygons: regular pentagon regular hexagon, regular octagon, regular dodecagon - circle, ellipse, annulus and annulus sector - Solids of revolution: sphere, cylinder, cone, truncated cone, barrel, spherical sector, spherical cap, spherical wedge, spherical lune, spherical segment, spherical zone - Prisms: cube, square prism, cuboid, triangular prism, regular triangular prism, hexagonal prism, pentagonal prism - Pyramids: regular tetrahedron, triangular pyramid, square pyramid, hexagonal pyramid - Others: Pythagorean theorem, Thales' theorem, trigonometry, law of sines, law of cosines EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES - First and second degree - Quadratic equation - Quadratic inequality - Linear equation - Linear inequality - Equations with parameter ANALYTIC GEOMETRY - Points and lines - Intersection point - Distance from point - Length of the segment - Parallel and Perpendicular line - Perpendicular bisector - Axial symmetry - Central symmetry - Translation by a vector - Angle between lines - Angle bisector - Bisector of the angle between two lines - Value of the angle from three points - Position of a point relative to a line - Relative position of two lines - Relative position of three points - Relative position of two circles - Relative position of a circle and a line - Relative position of a circle and a point - Translation of a circle by a vector - Circle reflection over point - Circle reflection over line - Circle with radius and two points - Circle with center and point - Circle with center and radius - Circle with three points QUADRATIC FUNCTION - standard form - vertex form - factored form - discriminant of the quadratic function - real roots (zeros) - vertex of a parabola - intersection of the Y-Axis - monotonicity (increasing, decreasing) - positive and negative values (inequalities) LINEAR FUNCTION - slope-intercept form - standard form - distance between two points - midpoint of a line segment - line segment bisector - parallel line - perpendicular line - distance from a point to a line - equation of the line passing through 2 points LINEAR SYSTEM Four methods for solving systems: - Substitution method - Elimination method - Graph method - Method of determinants CIRCLE EQUATION - standard form - general form - tangent line to the circle MATH SEQUENCES - properties of geometric progression: initial term, any mth term and nth term, ratio, sum of n terms, general formula - properties of arithmetic progression: initial term, any mth term and nth term, difference, sum of n terms, general formula - properties of geometric series: initial term, ratio, sum ALGEBRA - greatest common divisor (gcd) - least common multiple (lcm) VECTORS - 2D and 3D - Length of a vector - Dot product - Cross product - Addition and subtraction UNITS (calculator) - Length, distance - Mass - Velocity - Power - Pressure - Temperature - Time - Energy - Data

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