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Make CV in PDF - Free Curriculum Vitae
The app has a clean and objective interface and allows you to create modern and professional resumes quickly. Models: ✔Over 1000 models available Export: ✔Send your resume as a PDF file Multiple CV: ✔The app allows you to have multiple resumes for different job openings / professional profiles Options for the curriculum: ✔ Photo ✔ Personal Information ✔ Telephone ✔ Email ✔ Social Networks ✔ Address ✔ Purpose ✔ Academic Training ✔ Professional Experience ✔ Publications ✔ Other Activities ✔ Skills ✔ Courses ✔ Certifications ✔ Projects ✔ Fields of Interest ✔ Achievements ✔ Languages ✔ Volunteering ✔ Additional Information ✔ Salary claim Historic: ✔ History of curriculum versions Tips: ✔ The app provides usage tips