lucaXfirmo since 1957

lucaXfirmo since 1957

LUCA X FIRMO, the salon that for years has been on top of the beauty desires of women, finally in the app version! The first hairstyling app that really has it all ... And now even more! Discover all the news, only from L U C A X F I R M O. Discounts, promotions and ... a rain of GIFTS! As? It's simple: download the app, share our posts on your Facebook wall and request the Coupon to use on our Online Shop ... And while waiting for your Coupon, send us your photo with the new stickers: we will give you personalized advice on how to distort or simply improve your look! The news and the calendar of events always updated to not miss any appointment are always online ... From the app you can contact us, reach us in the salon or visit our website, and shop on our Shop.

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