Jokes XXL

Jokes XXL


Over 3000 jokes and funny sayings divided into clear categories. In addition to your mother, little johnny, blonde and flat jokes, you will find over 30 other joke categories in the app. You also have the opportunity to join the joke community. There you can post your own funny texts and comment on the texts of others. Every joke in the app can also be read out and in the future you will also be able to navigate through the app by voice. Another nice feature is the saying picture function - here you can choose a saying and add your own background picture with picture effects. In the category "Joke of the day" you will find new funny texts and pictures every day that should cheer up your everyday life. You will certainly not find every joke funny, but with the multitude of different sayings, there should be something for every humor and guarantee one or more laughs. You can also find the right squid for Carnival, which you can include in lectures and talks. For short-term fun you can also try the inserted tongue twister. Share the funny sayings with your friends and make them laugh. Everyone needs their daily dose of fun and we hope that this app can help. If you have any questions, suggestions for improvement or if you find a bug, do not hesitate and simply write an email to Laughing is healthy!

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