Iraqi Trophy Hunters

Iraqi Trophy Hunters

Iraqi Trophy Hunters Leaderboard + Trophy Guides -------------------------- Official app for Iraqi PS trophy Hunters. Gather Platinums to climb up to top places. ---------------------------- if you want to join our leaderboard just enter your PSN id "Add PSN ID " section an app and we will check your request if it met with our requirements then you will be added to leaderboard . watch guides for many games written in English, Requirements : * Leaderboard is for Iraqi Players only who live in IRAQ only. * You should have at least 1 platinum. * Check privacy for your account and set it to public Change log ________________ v2.0 - Rewrite code from zero using latest technology - Dark Mode has been added - Generate Trophy Card (Write on Storage permission Required) - Guides in Arabic with Explain each trophy guide ________________ v1.6 Compatibility issues fixed ________________ v1.5 change icons in leaderboard fix some issues ________________ v1.4 Added Completion Leaderboard and changes to home screen ________________ v1.3 Now you can view "Trophy Guides" for nearly 720 games with support to search for guide. ________________ v1.2 Added Search for player function ________________ v1.1 Sort leaderboard by name,Total Trophies and Platinum ________________ v1.0 *Initial Release. *Application support Notification. ________________