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InTouch Contacts & Caller ID

If “Contacts” are important to you, then “InTouch Contacts” is your app! A MUST HAVE app if you are a professional in sales, marketing, human resources, or a small business owner. A simple to use, yet powerful and FREE app for managing your Contacts network like never before. CALLER ID World’s first Caller ID that displays if the caller is in your 2nd degree network! Before you pick up the call, know if it’s a friend’s friend? or a customer? Make an informed decision. Mark and block spammers as well. REMINDERS - NEVER MISS A CALL BACK Set reminders to call back people. Never miss making an important call! CALL, CHAT & MORE… Make phone calls, chat, share documents, and do more with your contacts right inside the app. All data is safely saved in the cloud, so you access it from any device, anytime! No more manual backups! BUSINESS CARDS Easily manage paper business cards you get. Just take a pic & we auto-convert them to phone contacts. DIGITAL BUSINESS CARDS (QR CODE) Hate carrying business cards? So do we! Use our QR connect to easily connect with others to exchange contact info and share your digital profiles. Let’s save some trees! REMEMBER EVERYONE It is tough to remember names & everyone you met. We hear you! Use InTouch as your memory! Simply write a one liner about each contact you save - voila! Not only will you remember who the person is, you can also find the right person when you search. EXTENSION TO THE WEB Use our Chrome / Firefox extension to save contacts to your phone directly from WhatsApp, LinkedIn, GMail, Zoho, Salesforce, Hubspot (or any other CRM), etc. Make calls directly from websites using your phone as well. POWER SEARCH “Works at Google”, “Live in New York”, “Works as Engineer” - search the way you think to quickly look up the right contacts “Mike” or “Myke”? “Sophia” or “Sofia”? - no matter how you saved it, get correct results AUTO UPDATED CONTACTS Stay updated with latest information about people. When someone changes their job or moves to a new city, the information is updated automatically for you! CLEAN & ORGANIZED CONTACTS Contacts from all your accounts connected to the phone are unified into a single, clean contact list using our powerful de-duplication algorithms. Less clutter, more clarity! CROSS-PLATFORM SYNC & TRANSFER Whether you use a Xiaomi, Samsung, OnePlus, LG, Nexus or an iPhone - we ensure you see the same contacts on every device. Transfer contacts by simply installing InTouch Contacts app on a new phone. This is the easiest and best way to keep contacts in sync across all your devices. WORKS WITH PHONE CONTACTS We directly write new contacts to your phone’s contact database. This ensures you always have a copy of contacts with you even if you are offline. SMART BACKUP & SYNC We not only backup your contacts, we backup the backups as well! We preserve full change history for each contact as well - ensuring you will never lose any data of your important contacts. Chats, documents, etc., are also saved on the cloud so you can access them anywhere, anytime! MANAGE CONTACTS FROM PC / MAC Access all your contacts, chats, documents, etc., online at Manage, edit contacts, send messages, share documents, etc., from the comfort of your laptop. PRIVATE, SECURE & SAFE Your contacts, the messages, the documents you share, etc., is your most important data. The privacy & security of this data is our highest priority! We will never sell your data to a 3rd party. Learn more at