Internet Basics : Engineering

Internet Basics : Engineering


The app is a complete free handbook of Internet Basics which covers important all topics with detailed notes, diagrams, equations, formulas & course material. The App is designed for quick learning, revisions, references at the time of exams and interviews. Download the App as a reference material & digital book for Computer science engineering programs & other IT degree courses. This app cover most of related topics and Detailed explanation with all the basics topics. Some of topics Covered in this Internet Basics application are: 1. Email 2. Advantages and disadvantages of Email 3. Working of email (MTA, MDA, MUA) 4. Userid and Password 5. Email addresses 6. Message Components 7. Mailer Features 8. E-mail Management 9. MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) 10. Mailing Lists 11. Chat Rooms 12. Introduction to Networks and Internet 13. Internet 14. Working of the Internet ( how internet works) 15. Internet Congestion and Culture 16. Business Culture on Internet 17. Collaborative Computing and the Internet 18. Modes of Connecting to Internet 19. Internet Service Provider (ISP) 20. IP address (Internet Protocol address) 21. Domain Name System (DNS) 22. IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) 23. Modems 24. Introduction to World Wide Web ( www) 25. Web Browser (Chrome, mozilla etc.) 26. Searching the World Wide Web (www) 27. Kinds of Search Engines and Directories ( Google & more) 28. Web Search Fundamentals 29. Web Search Strategies 30. Telnet 31. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) 32. HTML 33. Web Page Installation 34. Basics of HTML programming 35. The HTML Body Section 36. Formatting 37. Hyperlinks 38. Linking to a Section of a Document 39. The JavaScript (JS) Switch Statement 40. JavaScript programming 41. Prompt box 42. JavaScript Functions 43. JavaScript Loops 44. The while Loop 45. The break Statement 46. Creating Navigational Aids with Hyperlinks 47. Using Front Page Express and Plug-ins 48. Lists 49. Attributes 50. Links 51. Special Features 52. Plug-ins 53. Basic and Advanced HTML 54. Setting the Base Font 55. Making Text Blink 56. Creating Horizontal Rules - (HR) 57. Centering Text 58. Displaying Text In A Scrolling Marquee 59. Images in Web Pages 60. Unordered Lists 61. Ordered Lists 62. Definition Lists 63. Creating Tables 64. Polishing tables 65. Working with Frames 66. Targeting information of frames 67. JavaScript (JS) programming Language 68. Insertion of JavaScript into an HTML document 69. JavaScript (JS) Operators 70. JavaScript (JS) Comparison and Logical Operators 71. JavaScript If...Else Statements 72. The continue Statement 73. Client-Side Programming in JavaScript 74. Text Boxes 75. Using Check Boxes 76. Using Text Areas 77. Using Selection Lists 78. Other events within a form All topics are not listed because of character limitations. Each topic is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representations for better learning and quick understanding. Features : * Chapter wise complete Topics * Rich UI Layout * Comfortable Read Mode * Important Exam Topics * Very simple User Interface * Cover Most Of Topics * One click get related All Book * Mobile Optimized Content * Mobile Optimized Images This app will useful for quick reference. The revision of all concepts can be finished within Several hour using this app. Instead of giving us a lower rating, please mail us your queries, issues and give us valuable Rating And Suggestion So we can consider it for Future Updates. We will be happy to solve them for you.

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