Insane Rockets

Insane Rockets

6.3 IS COMPATIBLE WITH ANDROID 8.1. Records video, captures data, and helps tracking down landing location when installed in a high powered (G and higher motor) hobby rocket or weather balloon. Warning: Launching rockets or weather balloon with a phone onboard is risky and a mishap could destroy the phone! Make sure you read the entire first Help section. Before going further, as a backup procedure, it is recommended that you Login to google and go to Make sure your phone is showing proper location prior to launch. Limitations: • Prior to launching, if using your phone to assist in recovery with GPS, confirm your phone has a GPS - telemetry GPS derived by wifi will not operate in the field. Limitations may vary depending on the android device you have. These may include: Max Gs reported, inclusion of Barometer data, speed of instrument updates, and resolution of video/audio data. • Gs: The values of older phones typically are maxed on each axis at 2Gs. Some of the newer phones have a range max between 2Gs and 16Gs. Features: • Real time telemetry data on landing to help you find the location of your rocket/payload. This data is sent over the cell network so you don't need any additional hardware. • Records on most modern android phones at 4K or 1080p. It takes around a second to "warm up" the video camera on launch. You can however, command from another phone, to prerecord so you get video "off the rail." • Records telemetry data: 3 Axis Gs, Gyroscope, Barometer & derived Velocity, GPS, Magnetometer, and phone's battery temperature. • On landing, you can configure Insane Rockets to automatically upload high resolution telemetry data. Before you even recover your rocket/payload the data is there for your review. • When viewing the data, you can optionally load it into Google Earth for a full 3D map of your flight. Speech: This is primarily for GRMS or HAM radio attached to phone for non-cell network areas or if your phone is not provisioned. I also find that it is nice to "hear" it in the video at apogee. • For rockets, at launch, altitude, every thousand feet obtained is spoken, skipping as necessary for fast and high ascents. • At apogee final altitude, velocity, and the amount of revolutions during ascent are spoken. • At routine intervals, bearing & distance, altitude, GPS location, descent rate, max altitude, max velocity, and your GRMS or HAM call sign are spoken. Help: Bay Help - App Help - Recommended older phones with barometers: 1. The Nexus 5x handles 16Gs per axis, and can record 4k video. This is more or less an ideal phone for the app. 2. The older Nexus 5 only handles 2Gs per axis but it runs cool & the battery will last all day. If you purchase your "launch phone" on the same carrier as your "main phone", you can put your sim card in it during flight. Then use a friend's phone to view landing location! You can use an adapter like this to resize your sim card: Make sure that you assemble your rocket/payload in the shade to avoid phone overheating.

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