ING HomeBank

ING Home'Bank is like a control panel for your money. You simply login with the username you choose and your fingerprint / password / digipass and you have access to all banking operations. See some of the benefits of Home'Bank on mobile: Pay with your Phone You don't even need to carry your wallet with you. Take the phone, unlock the screen, move it closer to the POS and you're done, you paid Simple and Fast. Fingerprint Login You have access to Home'Bank with a single tap with the fingerprint authentication option. You can activate it from the Account Settings - Fingerprint Authentication menu. Update your Data Do you want to update your personal data? Nothing easier! Click on the Account Settings - My Data menu and you can change your data at any time. Pay Utility Bills With Scan & Pay you pay the bills with your phone as fast as making a selfie. Then confirm with password or digipass and you're ready, you paid for it. Simple and fast. Find the closest ATM You need money to get out of town, but don't know where is the nearest ING ATM? Access the Home'Bank app on your phone and find it immediately with the ATM Locator option. In addition to mobile Phone Payments, Transfers and Invoice Payments, from ING Home'Bank you can, for example, make a Life Insurance Policy or Open a New Account and order a New Card. In short, you can do almost any of your banking business. In order to find out how to become an ING client without going to an ING Office, read more here: https://ing.ro/lp/onboarding The application is available in Romanian. This application uses cookies. Read more at https://ing.ro/lp-hb/Cookies-Home-Bank