HiPo - High Potential Risk Man

HiPo - High Potential Risk Man

HiPo supports a range of risk management apps provided by DNV GL, a global risk management specialist since 1864. HiPo is available on your phone, tablet or desktop. Examples of apps available through HiPo include: SYSTEMATIC CAUSE ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE (SCAT) Systematic Cause Analysis Technique which helps you and your organisation learn from accidents and other high potential events to prevent further human injury, environmental damage, quality and other losses. Events with high potential for loss need to be assessed using root cause analysis and improvement actions identified, so these events are not repeated. The app incorporates 50 years of experience in incident investigation with step-by-step instructions and tried and tested analysis tools available in 30 languages. MARINE SYSTEMATIC CAUSE ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE (MSCAT) Marine Systematic Cause Analysis Technique helps you and your shipping organisation learn from accidents and other high potential events on board ships. It is based on the long established SCAT system but adapted to marine accidents and incidents. BARRIER-BASED SYSTEMATIC CAUSE ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE (BSCAT) BSCAT is a root cause analysis method suitable for more complex process safety accidents like fires and explosions. The accident first assessed to determine all the barriers that failed contributing to the accident. The SCAT method this then applied to each failed barrier to identify the underlying management system failures.