


A free and practical application dedicated to users looking for the optimal form of transport for even the most unusual shipment. The Giełda Giełda's Marketplace application is a permanent access to the adverts issued by you, which carriers are responsible for - presenting only competitive offers. You can be sure that in a short time you will order shipping cheaply and safely! You decide yourself at the time of your choosing which of the many proposals is the most advantageous. List of available functions: - Adding transport orders, - Viewing the list of orders, - Submission of offers and inquiries, - Issuing comments on the transaction The application will save you the time you spend collecting offers from carriers, you will never think again that moving, bringing a car or buying more equipment is a problem for you - you will immediately enter the Warsaw Stock Exchange!   We plan to constantly develop the application and enrich it with new functionalities. We are waiting for your messages with comments / suggestions: Facebook WWW

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