Genera Password 2

Genera Password 2

This app offers you lists of passwords based on data you enter and can sort and select those that meet your requirements passwords and store them safely. 1 Register and log in with your name and a master password. Thus, only you can access your passwords in case your device is used by other users. 2nd Set criteria for creating passwords. How you want strings and characters are combined, if you want to remind you that you should use at least one capital letter, and how many passwords you want to propose. Enter 3rd three facts, and once created passwords, sort and select the ones you want. Edited, sorted and selected as favorite passwords that suit you. 4th manage all your passwords stored favorite. Edit or delete all the favorites you have stored passwords. Use 5th card passwords proposals to manually edit your existing passwords. IMPORTANT: The user identification to protect your store passwords stored locally, without the application can share any information or other apps or server. Recommended that your operating system is not pirated, and is a stable and original manufacturer.

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