Garam - Logic puzzles

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Garam - Logic puzzles

Garam is an addictive math logic puzzle with basic equations. It can be both easy for beginners or really hard for experts. The rules are simple : fill in the blanks with one digit so that each equation is correct vertically or horizontally. Two digits numbers must be read on two squares. It is a cunning math puzzle game and an excellent brain teaser. It has a real learning curve and players constantly learn new skills to solve the hardest puzzles. It's addictive, fun, exciting and provides a huge satisfaction for a casual player. With Garam, maths are beautiful. You will find : - tons of grids to solve (more than 1000) sorted by 5 different difficulty level and 5 extra ones - a scoring system and experience points - a time attack mode to up your solving speed once every grid of a difficulty level have been solved - a huge variety of reasoning You can hide the chronometer to play these math riddles in a more relaxing manner and have more fun. The puzzle grids are meant to deliver a unique kind of experience in the solving process. Intuitive, fun and addictive, Garam math riddles are meant for you! This app is brought to you by the creator of Garam himself.