G1 Portal de Notícias da Globo

G1 Portal de Notícias da Globo


Stay informed in real time about the main news in your region, Brazil and the world with the largest free news portal in Brazil. Follow important events as they happen, delve into your favorite topics in an easy-to-use app. 5 reasons to download the g1 app: - Real-time information and alerts on what matters - Exclusive features: dark mode, personalized notifications, My region and regional news, Search and Save Stories - Get informed and discover hundreds of articles, blogs, videos and podcasts - Miscellaneous subjects: economy, politics, entertainment, science, health, technology, culture, cinema, music, well-being, competitions and employment much more - Essential services: meteorology, lottery, competition and employment, calculators. Custom alerts and notifications Customize your notifications according to your interests and find out firsthand about the news that matters to you. Real-time updates and live event coverage The g1 app is updated in real time and 24 hours a day. Every day you discover the latest news and share content and analysis to understand current events and explore new topics. Get alerts on coverage of live events like political happenings, major accidents, the Oscars, elections, political debates and more... Dark Mode Have more comfort in reading the news and save your device's battery by choosing the app's dark mode. My region The App registers your region, guaranteeing instant access to news, videos from local news programs and relevant facts about your city and region with exclusive coverage from g1. Agenda of the day Stay up-to-date at a glance in the morning with a selection of the day's top events. Search Search for subjects that interest you. Save stories Save content to view later. Videos and newscasts Watch the most important videos of the moment, g1 in 1 minute, Globonews and TV Globo news programs such as Fantástico, Globo Repórter, Hora1, Jornal da Globo, Jornal Hoje, Jornal Nacional and many others. Blogs and columns Follow points of view, stories and analyzes of blogs and journalist columns by the country's greatest journalists: Andreia Sadi, Ana Flor, André Trigueiro, Altieres Rohr, Gerson Camarotti, Octavio Guedes, Natuza Nery, Valdo Cruz and many others. Podcasts Find out and have fun anywhere and anytime by listening to podcasts on different topics: The Subject, Summary of elections, Daily summary, That's Fantastic, Armed Hand, Rio Development, Well Being, Financial Education, Politics Chat, Listening that the Son is yours, Nice to meet you, Renata... Services Weather forecast, lottery results, contest and job, calculators are some of the services available from g1 to make your day to day easier. Fact or Fake Consult fact-checking with posts on social networks and messaging apps such as Whatsapp, carried out by journalists, clarifying what is news (fact) and what is false (fake). 100% free The g1 App is a free digital news portal with no consumption limit. News from your region

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