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Very simple tool to get different wallpaper for each of yours home screens. Camera photos or any pictures of any size. Just select pictures or a folder. Doesn't drain battery and works with as many screens as you have (you can set this number manually if it cannot be obtained automatically). *** This app cannot change the number of your home screens on its own, you have to do it manually by dragging icons through the screens. *** Try 'compatibility mode' if your launcher (Galaxy phones with TouchWiz for example) does not support scrolling. how to use: - Tap the app icon - or go HOME SCREEN->MENU (or LONG TAP)->'Wallpaper'->'Live Wallpapers' - or try googling how to do this for your device You can: ● adjust brightness, contrast, saturation and even white balance ● crop, scale and rotate ● choose transition effect ● double-tap the screen to change wallpaper ● or shake your phone to change wallpaper <- actually may affect battery life, uses accelerometer ● or it can be done automatically (just choose time interval) ● try '3D effect' (also known as parallax or panoramic) <- also may affect battery, requires gyroscope If you wish you can buy a "donate" version which is almost the same but without commercials. Thank you! Any comments or suggestions are really appreciated if it doesn't work for you PLEASE email me and be more specific :)