Embedded System

Embedded System

The app is a complete free handbook of Embedded System which covers important all topics with detailed notes, diagrams, equations, formulas & course material. This useful App lists 129 topics with detailed notes, diagrams, equations, formulas & course material, the topics are listed in 5 chapters. The app is must have for all the engineering science students & professionals. The App is designed for quick learning, revisions, references at the time of exams and interviews. This app cover most of related topics and Detailed explanation with all the basics topics. Be a professional with this app. Some of the topics Covered in the app are : 1. Introduction to Embedded System 2. Microcontrollers Memory Types 3. Microprocessor vs. Microcontroller 4. MICROCONTROLLERS TYPES 5. Microcontroller Operating Modes 6. Interrupts 7. Pipelining 8. Polling 9. Timers 10. Serial Communication 11. OTHER SPECIAL FEATURES 12. MICROCONTROLLER APPLICATIONS 13. Introduction to 8051 Microcontroller 14. Pinout Description8051 15. Memory Organization 16. Special Function Registers (SFRs) 17. STACK in 8051 18. 8051 REGISTER BANKS 19. ADDRESSING MODES 20. BIT ADDRESSING 21. CPU Timing 22. Memory Expansion 23. Accessing External Memory 24. PSEN and ALE 25. Input/output Ports (I/O Ports) 26. DATA SERIALIZATION 27. 8051 Microcontroller Power Consumption Control 28. Interrupts in 8051 29. Interrupts and Polling 30. Enabling and Disabling an Interrupt 31. INTERRUPT PRIORITY 32. EXTERNAL HARDWARE INTERRUPTS 33. SERIAL COMMUNICATION INTERRUPT 34. Counters and Timers 35. How to use the Timer 0 ? 36. Timer 0 Modes 37. Timer 0 Overflow Detection 38. Timer 1 39. TIME DELAY FOR VARIOUS 8051 CHIPS 40. PULSE DURATION MEASURE 41. TIMER INTERRUPTS 42. TIMER PROGRAMMING 43. TMOD and TCON Registers 44. TMOD Register 45. TCON Register 46. GENERATION OF TIME DELAY WITH TIMERS IN MODE 1 47. GENERATION OF TIME DELAY WITH TIMERS IN MODE 2 48. Finding the Loaded Timer Values TIMERS IN MODE 1 49. TIMERS Mode 1 Programming 50. TIMERS Mode 2 Programming 51. COUNTER PROGRAMMING 52. UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter) 53. Serial Interface 54. 8051 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING 55. 8051 DATA TYPES AND DIRECTIVES 56. 8051 Family microcontrollers instruction set 57. Call instruction 58. Loop and jump instructions 59. Rotate Instruction 60. Introduction to PIC Microcontroller 61. Clock / instruction cycle 62. Pipelining 63. Mid-range I/O and Peripheral Modules 64. PIC Architecture 65. Characteristics of the PIC 66. Core Features 67. Instruction Types 68. Register File Map 69. CPU registers PIC 70. STATUS and OPTION Registers 71. A/D Registers 72. Data Memory Organization 73. EEPROM Data Storage 74. PIC 16F877 Pin Out 75. PIC16F84 Pin out 76. PIC Microcontroller Block Diagram 77. I/O Ports 78. Addressing modes 79. Indirect Addressing 80. The PIC Program 81. Chip Configuration Word 82. PIC Microcontroller options 83. PIC Instruction Set 84. Instruction Set Illustrations 85. Interrupts 86. Interrupt Control Registers Features : * Chapter wise complete Topics * Rich UI Layout * Comfortable Read Mode * Important Exam Topics * Very simple User Interface * Cover Most Of Topics * One click get related All Book * Mobile Optimized Content * Mobile Optimized Images This app will useful for quick reference. The revision of all concepts can be finished within Several hour using this app. Instead of giving us a lower rating, please mail us your queries, issues and give us valuable Rating And Suggestion So we can consider it for Future Updates. We will be happy to solve them for you.

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