Embarazo Semana a Semana

Embarazo Semana a Semana


Week-to-week pregnancy is the widget app for pregnant moms. It allows you to enjoy your pregnancy with all the information you need to know about yourself, your baby, recommendations per week, exercise routines and it allows you to carry out weekly monitoring in a very simple way. Also on the home screen you can control the week and day of pregnancy in which you are. The application has the following functionalities: * Monitoring of the baby's evolution. * Customizable widget for week control. * Level-guided exercise routines (basic, intermediate, and advanced) for new mamites. * Changes in the mother's body. * Weekly recommendations. * Tips, recommendations, precautions, labor and delivery sections for new parents. * Images that will better illustrate you each week. * Easy navigation per week in both top and bottom menu. * Calculation of probable due date and your weeks of pregnancy. * Automatically shows you the week you are in. * Kick counter. * Weight control system for pregnancy. * Cloud storage of images of your pregnancy. The application has been developed by the MoviliXa team