droidBuilding - 1RM

droidBuilding - 1RM

07/07/2016 - The staff is happy to announce that now droidBuilding-1RM has now the ability to save and export 1RM's and see your improovement charts! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- droidBuilding - 1RM allows you to calculate your one-repetition maximum. Just insert the weight that you use (in kgs or lbs as you want) and the max number of repetition that you can do and in a moment the app will provide your "1RM". In order to calculate your 1RM, you can choose between these 8 function: - Beachle - Brzycki - Epley - Lander - Lombardi - Mayhew et al. - O'Conner et al. - Wathen The app 'll provide you a full set of percentage of your 1RM, from 40% to 95%. This is very usefull if you use the app during your workout schedule planning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The one-repetition maximum is a theoric result. Developer declines any responsability for injuries or damages to thing, animals or people that may derive from the improper use of the application or the improper use of results provided by it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

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