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The Banco Daycoval application is the most practical and safe way to open and manage your checking account or check your credit card. Download the app and get access to: Account opening Open your account quickly and securely For you Access your account with your CPF number investments Investments and redemptions in fixed income or investment funds Investment Simulator Answer a few questions and see what our virtual assistant Dayane suggests for your investor profile Automatic Application * Application of value in current account automatically in CDB POS product with daily liquidity payments Pay bonds and boletos with barcode reader pix Send or receive quickly and easily transfers Make transfers, DOC and TED for yourself or third parties queries Statement, latest entries and consolidated position Exchange ** Purchase of foreign currency with exclusive quotation for customers Credit card * Request, view invoices and credit card limits Safety Authorization of transactions through DayFace (facial biometrics) in the APP or DayToken (virtual token) on the internet Receipts Sharing receipts via email, WhatsApp and other apps For businesses Authorization and tracking of receivables And many more features to make your day to day easier, download and check it out! * need to enable in your checking account ** subject to availability of stores in your location * subject to analysis and release by Banco Daycoval