CyBro Doorbell

CyBro Doorbell

CyBro Doorbell is front-end for a home doorbell, realized with CyBro-2 programmable controller. Push button is wired to controller. When pressed, application start ringing, following choices are available: decline, answer or open. When pressed, ringing stops, and response is sent back to controller. To pop-up the application, CyBro must send the following socket, socket id=1: bit doorbell_req: request to send socket int doorbell_event: 1-silent, 2-ring, 3-alarm int doorbell_source: 0-front door, 1-back door... Configuration file is located in /Android/data/com.cybrodoorbell/config.xml: &lt?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes"?&gt &ltscada&gt &ltobject&gt &#8195 &lttype&gtdoorbell&lt/type&gt &#8195 &ltoptions&gt7&lt/options&gt &lt!-- visible buttons: 1-decline, 2-answer, 4-open --&gt &#8195 &ltvar&gtc1000.doorbell_ans&lt/var&gt &lt!-- feedback: 1-ringing, 2-decline, 3-answer, 4-open --&gt &#8195 &ltfile&gtfront.jpg&lt/file&gt &lt!-- image for doorbell_source=0 --&gt &#8195 &ltfile&gtback.jpg&lt/file&gt &lt!-- image for doorbell_source=1 --&gt &lt/object&gt &lt/scada&gt Edit file according to your needs. Tag &ltoptions&gt determines available buttons: 1 - decline 2 - answer 4 - open For example, when options is 5, decline and open are visible. Tag &ltvar&gt is used for feedback: 1: ringing started 2: decline pressed 3: answer pressed 4: open pressed Tag &ltfile&gt defines images displayed in application, one for each source. Images are located in the same directory as configuration file. To learn about programming the controller, open CyPro example DoorbellDemo.cyp. Note: some devices may not respond when in sleep mode. Voice and video streaming is currently not suported. Cybrotech Ltd. (c) 2015, all rights reserved

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