Control Loans Pay Daily La Dia

Control Loans Pay Daily La Dia


System to Manage Loans Replace the classic cards on card stock. This system is ideal to keep track of the loans granted to your clients or personal, if you dedicate yourself to the activity of lending money you will have a powerful tool to carry out your work. We understand that each business has its own needs or ways of operating, for this reason we offer the possibility of implementing new functionalities that adapt to your business. We have two Web and Mobile platforms, both are at your disposal, we list some of our functionalities: - Administrative management of the client, assignment of loans and classification by routes - Profits and Losses - Loan registry - Subscription Registration - Record of routes that allow you to relate your officials with customers - Detailed control of applications or loans granted - Entry of Fertilizers - Reports on all the operations carried out. - Default interest record - Fine or Penalties per day of default - Complete reports - Digital billing card - GPS - Printout of payment vouchers via Bluetooth printers - Share the account statement and proof of payment to the client through social networks such as WhatsApp, Messenger, among others.

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