Calendar Ortodox

Calendar Ortodox


The Orthodox Calendar 2025 application includes: • Orthodox holidays • saints of the day • church ordinances (fasting days and fasting over the year, breaks from fasting, liturgical days and days with different Liturgies, days when weddings or parastases are not held) • important days and dates • public holidays (days off) • religious radios • synaxar audio • prayers OFFICIAL CALENDAR We constantly check the published information to comply with the calendar communicated by the Romanian Orthodox Church (BOR). FOR EVERYONE'S UNDERSTANDING The Orthodox Calendar contains information about Orthodox Christian religious holidays, saints of each day and church ordinances. Depending on their importance, holidays are shown in red or black, Great holidays (royal holidays, feasts of the Mother of God and important saints) - are marked with a red cross surrounded by a circle or brackets, a distinctive sign for the importance of the service. Saints' feasts with vigil and chandelier – are crossed with either a red cross or a black cross with a single bracket. Feasts of saints without vigil – are marked in the calendar with a simple cross. The feasts of lesser saints are of two kinds: with or without the Great Doxology at Matins - they are marked with a black cross in the calendar. POSTS AND DISMISSALS We paid special attention to fasting periods. Fasting is the means by which the Holy Church disciplines the lives of her faithful. The days with release are marked in the calendar with a graphic symbol. The Orthodox Calendar application can be installed on your phone or tablet.

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