Bksy - Boeken delen en lezen
Together we are the largest library in the Netherlands! With Bksy you can easily search for books, borrow from others and keep track of who you have lent your books to. How that works? You put all your books in your own book list. You can share this with others. And you can look in the book list of others, or search for books. You can borrow all books in Bksy. This is how we share our books with each other. You can also join book clubs in the app. Sometimes you can visit those book clubs, we call that a Bksy Spot. There you can share books and meet other people. Sometimes the club is a collection of book-sharers around a specific theme. Bksy is ... ✓ free ✓ Lend books to everyone and borrow books from others ✓ Scan books for ISBN and add them to your book list ✓ Search for books in the book lists of you and other Bksy users ✓ join book clubs (Some write to us as booksy or booksy.)