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Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim, Learning Letters, Numbers and Colors is an interesting educational application that will always accompany pre-school age children to Learn to Recognize Letters, Learn to Recognize the Alphabet, Learn ABC, Learn to Recognize Numbers, and Learn to Recognize Colors so that the child can play while learning. With this Letter Learning application, it is hoped that children can more quickly understand letters, numbers and colors before they can Learn to Read in full. This Letter Learning Application completes our Educational Application Series, such as Muslim Children's Prayer, Learning to Read for children, and Learning Juz Amma Short Letters. This app is perfect for all kinds of Android smartphones and tablets, due to its small size. The main advantages of this application are: » there are more than 54 interesting pictures, so children will be happy in learning, » pictures can be changed according to children's tastes, with photos of favorite people, while paying attention to the material, » Sounds can be added independently with recorded (or downloaded) sounds, you can find the most suitable for the user yourself. » there is an EXERCISE module for each lesson (letters, numbers and colors), so this application can accompany children until they master all the material. » there is background music that makes the application much more interesting, there are 3 choices of Indonesian Children's Songs for the background: ♫ Lizards on the Wall, ♫ Climbing to the Top of the Mountain, ♫ Tick-Tic-Tic the Rain. This application is the best alternative for similar Letter Learning applications, such as Learning Letters, Learning ABC, Let's Get to Know Letters, Quickly Recognize Letters, or Indonesian Children's Songs, and so on. With this application, Learning Letters, Numbers and Colors will be a fun activity for children. To be the best application that is suitable and interesting, of course we need input, suggestions and criticism. Don't hesitate to contact us directly. Images taken from various sources on the internet, one of them: Hopefully useful, barokah world hereafter. Amen ... Annisa Cipta Informatics